Thursday, October 05, 2006

So What

I've decided to begin this blog with the purpose of creating a record of my development as a violinist, and, less importantly, as a person. As the term vlog seems to have been already taken to refer to video blogs, I will hereby deem this as a plog, a practice blog. "Vplog" is too hard to pronounce, and "Your mother is a whore" is too long. I decided to begin today, meaning Oct. 4, when I found out about 2 days ago that Oct. 4, 2006 marked the 49th anniversery of the historic launch of Sputnik I, a move that temporarily gave the Soviets the lead in the space race, until their lunar landing attempts all ended in sheer catastrophe. Anyhow, as the reds probably like nice round numbers as much as the next guy, I figured this blog could get in a nice year's worth of entries before we all get blown to smithereens by a huge party nuke. Let the countdown begin.

As the name of this blog suggests, my aim is to record in the lengthy tracts to follow my day to day progress in and discovery of the violin, and, peripherally, life. Since this plog concept has clearly much to be desired in the realm of entertainment value, the desired primary outcome is that I benefit myself, and get better faster. I could only hope that at some point some of my writings will help or even interest another aspiring musician, so that this becomes not a completely narcissistic endeavor. With that disclaimer, I can begin.

Right now I'm thinking of having two sections: violin and life.

Today was a mixture, as most days are, of concepts recalled and ideas created. I found again that my teacher's comment of several weeks ago about keeping the elbow loose, and feeling the motion come from it, quite useful. I also realized that I always bring my upper arm and shoulder of my bow arm forward and up, because it allows a certain amount of control if my hand is stiff. However, I found a way to have my shoulder and arm back and down, and my fingers relaxed, but it is a very precarious setup at the moment. It will take about a week before anything new in my bow arm becomes remotely automatic. Another idea I had today was that I had different problems depending on whether I was bowing up or down. On the down bow, the main problem seemed to be a stiffening of the index finger, the tips of the fingers, and the knuckles of the pinky, ring, and middle fingers. On the up bow, there was always a disconnect between the hand and the upper arm, seemingly a result of the hand being "further away" when starting an up bow. In the left hand, I noted that some inflexibility was the result of tension in fingers that had been left down, and much greater comfort was achieved in the relaxation of all the lower fingers. A continued focus on strong left hand fingers seems important. That is all I can remember.

Watched Match Point, the Woody Allen film, read my first X-Men comics ever, and saw the new episode of South Park about World of Warcraft. South Park somehow continues to be awesomely funny, while Woody has thoughtfully reduced his interaction with young women to mere eye contact, albeit lots of it. Damn Johansson is hot. Good lord. But it made me come to an interesting and slightly retarded consideration, which was if someone chick as hot as her can go crazy just cause some guy knocked her up and then lied to her, then that suggests that at the core, hot women are pretty much the same as non-hot women, i.e. crazy and needy, etc. Which somehow makes them less intimidating to me, as they are now more familiar and less like that whole group of women with whom I have never had sex. Too bad I spend all my time in the practice room.

Practice Time: 4 hours


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