Saturday, October 07, 2006

And sometimes I wish I didn't

Well today was one of those days when you practice for hours and feel like you only got worse by the end of it. But there were some good things. I concluded that my main problem right now is still an issue of maintaining total relaxation in the right hand, under all circumstances. All kinds of bad things happen when I change direction, especially on the down bow. At times I was able to achieve what I felt was a full awareness of the whole arm while playing, but it was very hard to sustain. I had a lot of difficutly today figuring out how to flatten my knuckles and pull the bow without basically grabbing it. Whenever I tried to apply the arm weight, which I feel is coming along, I couldn't manage to transmit it through my fingers without tensing them up. When I figure this out, things will be better. I was reminded today of the fact that I have to make a conscious effort to decide what kind of vibrato I want to use, and not rely on it happening naturally. A faster vibrato was found to be suitable in some situations, but that may be a result of having a thin sound. We shall see. Tomorrow will be better.

I went to a concert tonight a saw a lot of musicians, violinists who are doing something with their lives. An incident occurred which, combined with previous experiences, made me feel like my life is rather lonely. I suppose I can be happy in my solitude until I see the other side of life. So how does one reconcile this line of work with the rest of the world? Try to ignore it? Taste it every now and then? So far I can only seem to manage one at a time. La vie du musicien? I'll find out soon enough.

Practice Time: 4 hours


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