Monday, November 27, 2006

Except on holidays

Violin: The word that has been coming to mind recently as I continue to work on my bow hold is balance. I feel like now that I am able to relax my hand, things still don't feel right until I find a way to balance the bow in my hand and balance my hand with my arm. I think the consistency idea from before is related to this balance thing, since I get the same feeling when attain each one. I think when I was trying to be consistent, my hand wasn't loose enough to be ready for it. Today I felt that I could quickly achieve relaxation, but kept losing the balance, or ability to be consistent. When it feels right, it is as if I have "total" control over the bow, like it is part of my arm or something, so that the interface between hand and bow almost completely disappears. This is a hard feeling to keep up. But the sound and control it makes available to me are worth every second I spend working on it. I also noticed today that I have become lazy with my fourth finger, and that it was often coming down in a very uncomfortable way that did not allow any relaxed vibrato. I was able to improve the situation by feeling the motion from my hand and arm, and feeling weight transfer up through the fingers. As I improved my bow hand and arm, I started to feel like I was capable of playing something in a musically satisfying way, but had trouble finding the "right" way to play it. It occurred to me to try to think of images or ideas to connect the music to, in the same way many teachers have encouraged me and other students to do (especially in chamber music settings). I think this method may soon actually yield results for me as I learn how to control the bow enough to allow my ears to be the judge.

Life: As you can see, I didn't post at all over thanksgiving break. I had too many people to see, and too many things to do to get it even an ounce of practicing. It was sad, but the food was great, mostly. I have to say, I am never completely satisfied with meals unless they are cooked by my parents or their relatives (or purchased at a restaurant). It's all what you were raised on I guess. And also there are just a lot of mediocre cooks out there, who try to whip shit out for thanksgiving weekend feasts, but don't have the chops cause they eat tv dinners every other day of the year. I should start learning to use the "oh I really need to practice" line to get myself out of unappealing social situations. Plus it makes you look really serious. Like that'll ever happen! HA!

Practice Time: 3 hours


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