Wednesday, October 18, 2006

But are there enough days

Violin: Today was one of those days where you feel like you "figured everything out" but in reality you know that the next day probably won't be any easier. What I feel I figured out is how to play with relaxed fingers. It seems that it all had to do with the muscles in my fingers, which I wasn't allowing to either expand or contract as necessary. The muscles that both raise and lower my first and second fingers were found to provide much flexibility while bowing if properly controlled. I believe that my discovery yesterday dealt with the muscles that close the hand, and today and became concious of the the ones that open it. I also believe that my connection work somehow tapped into the opening muscles, which then led to tension in the un-looked-after closing muscles. This is so terribly scientific I feel like a doctor. The words of one teacher I knew keep ringing in my head, who said that one should focus on simplicity in violin and on establishing the basics and the fundamentals by which one would become a better player. Well, I think I will come to that eventually, but it is easy for someone to tell you to keep it simple who doesn't have a bunch of ridiculously complicated tension issues going on all the time. If what I figured out today proves to be true, I will have outdone all my previous teachers in terms of what they were able to tell me about how to fix my playing. At least in this regard. The technique I developed today was one in which my first and middle fingers held the bow, and the ring and pinky only became involved when the bow needed to be suspended above the string. In this way I was able to play amazingly comfortably when I remembered to keep those two sets of muscles relaxed and accepting of any pull of the hand. Of course, with this new look came various pains in the wrist and arm, which I have felt before. I am not worried though, for I have dealt with these things before and they have never been to serious. If I can keep my fingers relaxed, direction and arm-weight will reign supreme. Chicken Supreme.

Life: Made some absolutely delicious spinach pasta. Can't wait to eat it for dinner for the next two days. Read more of Robinson's biography of Prokofiev. Turns out he was a spoiled only child who was just as interested in copying out train schedules as he was in composing. And I think if appraised in modern terminology he would be a total nerd. Anyway, for some reason I find it very interesting reading, even though I have never been drawn to this sort of literature before. I got all excited about the prospect of learning one of his concertos when I am done with this blasted Mozart. And I wish my ear would stop itching.

Practice Time: 5 hrs. (5+ hrs. streak Day 3)


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