Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Catchup time

Violin: Having not posted since last Thursday, I'll give a summary of my practicing since then (which will make clear why I didn't feel like posting earlier.)

Thursday: 3 hours
Friday: 1 hour
Saturday: None
Sunday: None
Monday: 3 hours

So yeah, the weekend wasn't so productive...but then again there was company and all. And I've been having regular band practices nearly every day that have taken up valuable time. Here is today's breakdown:

1:30-2:30: Brahms 4, mvt. 4
3-4: Hindemith
4:45-5:45: Mendelssohn Scherzo
6-6:30: Prokofiev Classical Symphony, mvt. 1
8:15-9:15: Ditto
10:45-11:15: Mozart Symphony 39, mvts. 2 and 4

Clearly I feel more motivated to post my practicing results if they are at all significant. Today I focused on my weaknesses as a leftie: lack of sensitivity in my right hand and left arm.

Life: Tomorrow is my first show with Ghostrunner Assembly...I am actually slightly nervous now that the balance has been worked out so that I'm audible. Before I could do whatever I wanted and it didn't matter...but it is a lot more rewarding to be contributing something. Let's hope I don't fuck it up tomorrow.

Practice Time: 5 hours


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