Thursday, March 06, 2008

Round 2

After more than a year I am attempting to begin recording my progress as a violinist again. This renewed effort is part of a larger attempt to develop more motivation and a better work ethic as I struggle to find a place in the dreaded RL. Well you might say being a classical violinist isn't being part of the "real" world at all...but I can't worry about that right now. For now I will stick to my practicing and my life and be done with it.

Future posts will hopefully occur on the day they are discussing. Yesterday I practiced basically four different things...the first hour consisted of a shifting, vibrato, and sound exercise and a Kreutzer etude that was all about thirds. That etude made me realize that my left hand position during thirds was all wacky and that tension in my left hand led to tension in my right arm. So I worked on eliminating those problems, as well as finding a comfortable plane for my right arm while playing two strings at once. The next hour I worked on Mozart Concerto, focusing on sound, intonation, precision, and was reminded yet again what a bitch Mozart is. The third hour I worked on half a page of Beethoven concerto, with the same things in mind. With the Beethoven I realized that the profusion of notes led me to allow many of them to go by without much thought. I tried to maintain enough concentration to think about every sixteenth and triplet eighth as it went by. The last hour I worked on the Mendelssohn scherzo, in which I tried to relax my upper right arm and eliminate the feeling of my arm getting "stuck." This happens when I tighten it up in an attempt to maintain control over the spiccato...but ironically that has the opposite effect. So keeping the arm moving and feeling the bow was part of my arm helped to move in a positive direction.

I had another rehearsal with this band I'm playing in called "Ghostrunner Assembly." Yeah, I know, who knows. Anyway, we worked on the string parts a lot and I felt very involved which was a good change. Now I have to get a pickup and work through the rest of the parts if I want to be able to play in their show two weeks from now. We'll see what happens.

Practice Time: 4 hours


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